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Finding Faith - Randell Stott

Nov 14, 2021

Sermon ByFinding Faith

On Boxing Day in 2004, a devastating Tsunami hit the coast of Indonesia. The most remarkable thing happened for one Man and his orphanage... The Wave STOOD STILL!
With reports from locals and reputable news, the story was a miraculous illustration of one man's faith in the power of Jesus Name.

For many Christians living in the west, we love reading the Bible stories and parables of Jesus. However very few of us would be as bold as this man to drive our boat towards the wave and command it to stand still. For most Christians in the Church today, we can't even believe that God can heal our headaches without a pill from the doctors... (The REAL miracle workers in our opinion)

In this message, Randell Stott encourages us to have an 'ADDVERSE REACTION' to our situation and circumstances that we face.

Join Randell today for this great teaching that will build your faith.

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Because FAITH comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God ~ Romans 10:17


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