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The Covenant - Session 1 @ VICTORY CONFERENCE 2021 Devonport

Sep 10, 2021

Session 1: The Covenant

(Apologies for the poor sound quality. We had a few issues with the connection)
But now hath he [Jesus] obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
~ Hebrews 8:6
There is a lot of confusion in the Church today as to the difference between the Old and New Covenant. While most Churches would state that we are under the new covenant, they don't actually understand what that means, nor what it entitles them too.
This leaves Christians confused and weak. AND provides no hope or reason to the non-christian as to WHY they should turn to God.
This is the FOUNDATION TO OUR VICTORY, and if we don't understand the Covenant, then we will never be able to inherit the promise. If we don't understand the Covenant, we have NOTHING to offer the world!
In this session, we will explore both the Old and the New covenants. We will learn both WHO they were between, and what the conditions were. Then we can truly discover how we fit into the NEW covenant and what the 'Better Promises' actually are.


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Daniel Lyne Ministries is committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Because FAITH comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God ~ Romans 10:17


We welcome your financial support and thank you in advance for assisting us in spreading the Gospel to the World!

PO BOX 554
Devonport, Tasmania 7310
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