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You HAVE The Mind Of Christ

Sep 26, 2022

Have you ever heard preaching from Isaiah telling you that 'His ways are not your ways'? Just remember that Isaiah was speaking to the rebellious and disobedient people under the Law. He was NOT talking to the New Testament believer under the covenant of Grace!

Praise God for that!

In Hebrews 8, God reminds us of the Prophet Jeremiah stating that he will create a new covenant based on better promises. There was nothing wrong with the law, or God. The problem was with us. So he made a new covenant with Jesus Christ through Faith and gave us his spirit to perform it. Hallelujah. We are NOW able to walk confidently in all situations as he gave us the Mind of Christ to operate with.

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Because FAITH comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God ~ Romans 10:17


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