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How God Sees You

Nov 22, 2021

Episode #29

Do you ever wonder how the GOD of all creation could even care about you?
Have you ever heard the term 'Justified'?
Do you really understand what that actually means?

In perhaps the most profound and remarkable book in the Bible, Paul gives the Roman Church an insight into the law of GRACE. He spends the first 7 Chapters trying to help them see that they are ALL sinners, stuck in their ways, unable to overcome the flesh in their own strength... And then he pivots.

In Chapter 8, he tells them how they NOW have the Spirit of God flowing through them and living in them. This gives them the power to be called Sons of God. Adopted. Loved. Special.

Then in verse 30 he tells them that God has JUSTIFIED them.
JUSTIFIED is best described by breaking the word up a little...

JUST (as) IF I'D (never sinned in the first place)

If you have accepted Jesus Chris as your saviour, then you have been JUSTIFIED by grace. God no longer sees you as a sinner. He doesn't think bad things about you or want to squash you like an ant...
God sees you as PERFECT!
Perfect in Christ and clothed in HIS righteousness.

Join Daniel today for this great teaching that will build your faith.

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