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The Secrets of God's Timing: A Look at Signs & Seasons from Genesis

Mar 15, 2023

Episode #48

In this episode of the Foundation Series, we continue our exploration of the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis 1. As we delve into the doctrine of creation and focus on the sun and the moon in Genesis 1:14, we discover the MAIN reason God speaks about creating lights in the firmament... It's not just light. This refers to the sun and the moon, which are used for signs, seasons, days, and years. However, there has been confusion surrounding astrology, astronomy, and Christianity, to which Satan has used to pervert the truth.

Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for the fact that they can read the sky, but can't discern the signs of the times. The signs referred to in Genesis were not meant to be used for astrology but rather for giving clues to the current season. Jesus did not condemn the Jewish people for their belief in signs in the sky, but rather for their failure to understand the signs of the times.

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