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Pleasure In Prosperity

Nov 23, 2021

Episode #30

Have you ever heard a sermon or preaching about how God loves the poor and hates the Rich?
It may not have been in those exact words, but along those lines.

If you have grown up under this kind of teaching, it may shock you to realise that the Bible doesn't say anything along those lines... In fact, almost the opposite. (Not that he loves the rich and hates the poor, but that he loves both)

You might be ok with the idea that he loves the rich too. But are you ok with the idea that God WANTS you to be rich and takes pleasure in it? That's right. Not only does He NOT hate rich people, He WANTS us to be rich and blessed and that is something that he takes pleasure in.

Check this out:
Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which HATH PLEASURE IN THE PROSPERITY of his servant.

Join Daniel today for this great teaching that will build your faith.

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