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The Word Prospers

Nov 7, 2021

Episode #21

God's Word PROSPERS and it doesn't return void!
What a powerful statement that is... For some unknown reason there are so many people offended by this statement above, but yet it is right there in the Bible! (See Isaiah 55:10-11)

If you are not sure if prosperity is from God, or perhaps it is not God's will for you... Then think again. God WANTS to prosper you, and indeed will prosper you if you allow him to. Notice in vs 10 how Isaiah tells us that the prosperity has 2 reasons. To be YOUR Bread, and to be YOUR Seed.

God's Word is so powerful that it WILL prosper where he sends it. Not that it might, but that it WILL!

Join Daniel today for this great teaching that will build your faith.

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Because FAITH comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God ~ Romans 10:17


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