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Is God in control of everything that takes place on earth?

Apr 30, 2020

EPISODE #7: Who is God? (Part 2)

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In part 2 of the 'Who is God' segment of Your Daily Seed, Daniel covers the topic of 'Our will' vs 'God's will'... Regardless of whether our will is our own or influenced by the enemy, if we choose to walk contrary to God's will, then we cannot blame God for what happens as a result or consequence of our actions. This would apply to others also. For God to step in and take control would violate the freedom that he gave to Adam in the garden.

Just remember that Jesus taught the disciples to pray... Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and in the garden, on the night before he was crucified he himself prayed 'Not MY will but Yours be done!'

Join us as we explore this extremely controversial topic of God's will taking place on earth.


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