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Victory Over Anxiety: Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Depression

It's time to discover the TRUTH found in the Word of God that will set you free from Fear, Bondage, Depression and Anxiety so you can live the victorious Christian Life.

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PRE-ORDER: Release Late 2022

One of the most heartbreaking and saddest things I see in the Church today is Christians who are weak, defeated and miserable. We sing the song’s like ‘Victory in Jesus’ and ‘There is power in the Blood’, but then come to the prayer time and confess all our struggles and weakness.

Depression, Anxiety, Worry, Fear, and defeat are no different in the Christian life than in the world outside the Church.

In 1 Peter 3:15, we are told to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us. In Acts, the believers were spoken of as ‘these that have turned the world upside down.'

For us to be known as those who turn the world upside down, we MUST be living a victorious and bold faith. A form of Christianity that Paul described in the second chapter of 1 Corinthians as being ‘in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:’.

Unfortunately, for many believers, life is an ‘up-again-down-again’ form of existence that is powerless and a constant daily battle. To the world that is looking on, Christianity is a crutch for weak and miserable people that can’t face life.

This is the exact opposite of what it is supposed to be like.

It's time to discover the TRUTH found in the Word of God that will set you free from Fear, Bondage, Depression and Anxiety so you can live the victorious Christian Life.

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" ~ 2 Corinthians 10:4

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